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Homes of Parkland by Rusty Hanna

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Homes of Parkland by Rusty Hanna
Homes of Parkland by Rusty Hanna

Call Now: 954-444-8686



Move Now or Wait? Expert Advice on Home Prices and Mortgage Rates

Should You Move Now or Wait? Expert Insights on Home Prices and Mortgage Rates If you’re contemplating a move this year, you’re likely weighing two critical factors: home prices and mortgage rates. Understanding what lies ahead for these can help you make a well-informed decision about whether to move now or hold off. Let’s dive into what experts are predicting for both. What’s Next for Home Prices? One of the best resources for home price forecasts is the Home Price Expectations Survey from Fannie Mae. This survey gathers insights from over a hundred economists, real estate experts, and market strategists. According to the latest data, home prices are expected to continue rising at least through 2028. While the rate of appreciation will vary from year to year, the consensus is clear: prices will keep going up. This steady increase means that buying now could be a smart financial move, as your home will likely gain value and build equity over the years. Waiting, on the other hand, could mean paying more for the same home in the future. When Will Mortgage Rates Come Down? The question of mortgage rates is more complex. Multiple factors influence mortgage rates, including inflation, labor data, and geopolitical events. Odeta Kushi, Deputy Chief Economist at First [...]

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Choosing the Right Real Estate Agent to Sell Your Home: Key Tips

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How to Choose the Right Real Estate Agent to Sell Your Home Selling your home is a significant decision, filled with emotions and memories. Your home is not just one of your biggest investments; it’s a place where you’ve built a [...]

2024 Housing Market Guide: Increased Inventory and More Choices for Homebuyers

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Navigating the Housing Market in 2024: More Homes, More Choices The past few years have been a rollercoaster for homebuyers, with a severe shortage of available homes making the search incredibly challenging. But there’s good news on the horizon for 2024 [...]

Understanding the “Silver Tsunami” Myth: Baby Boomer Housing Trends and Market Impact

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You might've heard the term "Silver Tsunami" thrown around lately, hinting at a massive wave of baby boomers downsizing and flooding the housing market with homes. This scenario paints a picture of disrupted supply and demand, potentially shaking up home prices. [...]

Understanding Mortgage Rates in 2024: What to Expect in Parkland, FL

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You might have heard that mortgage rates are expected to remain higher than originally anticipated. If you're wondering why, the answer lies in the latest economic data. Here's a quick overview of what's happening with mortgage rates and what experts are [...]

Understanding Foreclosure Headlines: Why Parkland, FL’s Housing Market Remains Stable

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If you’ve been following the news lately, you might have seen headlines claiming a rise in foreclosures. Understandably, this can cause concern, especially if you experienced the 2008 housing crash. But don't worry, the data shows that a foreclosure crisis is [...]

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